Unf*ckology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence
by Amy Alkon
The Importance of Being Little: What Young Children Really Need from Grownups
by Erika Christakis
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
by Jonathan Haidt
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
by Jonathan Haidt
Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate
by Greg Lukianoff
Freedom from Speech
by Greg Lukianoff
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting up a Generation for Failure
by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After 50
by Jonathan Rauch
Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought
by Jonathan Rauch
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World
by Adam Grant
HATE: Why We Should Resist it With Free Speech, Not Censorship
by Nadine Strossen
The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics
by Mark Lilla
The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
by Eric Hoffer
Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence
by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Language and the Pursuit of Happiness
by Chalmers Brothers
From Knowledge to Wisdom: Essays on the Crisis in Contemporary Learning
by Julio Olalla
Why Him? Why Her? How to Find and Keep Lasting Love
by Helen Fisher
The Sex Contract: The Evolution of Human Behavior
by Helen E. Fisher
A Way of Being
by Carl Rogers
Man's Search for Meaning
by Viktor E. Frankl
Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy
by Evan Thompson
The Human Spark: The Science of Human Development
by Jerome Kagan
The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women and How They Are Changing the World
by Helen Fisher
Conversations For Action and Collected Essays: Instilling a Culture of Commitment in Working Relationships
by Fernando Flores (Author), Maria Flores Letelier (Editor)
Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress
by Jack Mezirow and Associates
The Discovery of Being: Writings in Existential Psychology
by Rollo May
Love, Power, and Justice: Ontological Analyses and Ethical Applications
by Paul Tillich
A General Theory of Love
by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, & Richard Lannon
Thoughts Without A Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective
by Mark Epstein
Being and Time
by Martin Heidegger
Being and Nothingness
by Jean-Paul Sartre
Existentialism Is a Humanism
by Jean Paul Sartre
Existentialism and Human Emotion
by Jean-Paul Sartre
The Myth of Sisyphus: And Other Essays
by Albert Camus
The Human Condition
by Hannah Arendt
I And Thou
by Martin Buber; Walter Kaufmann (Translator)
Anthropos Today: Reflections on Modern Equipment (In-Formation)
by Paul Rabinow
Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics
by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow
Groundless Grounds: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger
by Lee Braver
Character as Moral Fiction
by Mark Alfano
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
by Adam M. Grant
Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives -- How Your Friends' Friends' Friends Affect Everything You Feel, Think, and Do
by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler
Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
by Charles Duhigg
Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain
by David Eagleman
Mindful Work: How Meditation Is Changing Business from the Inside Out
by David Gelles
Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness
by Alva Noë
Varieties of Presence
by Alva Noë
The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us
by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons
Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World
by Sam Sommers
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not
by Robert A. Burton
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson
Blind Spots: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things
by Madeleine L. Van Hecke
The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement
by Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
by Robert D. Putnam
Community: The Structure of Belonging
by Peter Block
Toward a Psychology of Being
by Abraham H. Maslow
The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding
by Humberto R. Maturana
The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience
by Francisco J. Varela, Evan T. Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch
Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist
by Christof Koch
by Heraclitus, and Brooks Haxton (Translator)
How to Do Things with Words: Second Edition
by J. L. Austin
Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language
by John R. Searle
Mind, Language And Society: Philosophy In The Real World
by John R. Searle
Derrida and Husserl: The Basic Problem of Phenomenology
by Leonard Lawlor
Ontology--The Hermeneutics of Facticity (Studies in Continental Thought)
by Martin Heidegger
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